Monday, January 19, 2015


Now, I have my left thumb in, and my right thumb and index finger in.

13 dtg = 35 decimal - or 32 (my left thumb) + 2 (my right index finger) + 1 (my right thumb)

I call it "Thirt-tuhn!" Pronounced: "Thir-tǝn". (By the way, the "tuhn" in "Thirt-tuhn" should be pronounced just like the "ten" in "forgot'ten'"). Again, it sounds somewhat akin "thirteen"; but not quite the same - because it ISN'T the same!

13 dtg (duotrigesimal, or Base 32) ≠ 13 decimal!

Again: 13 dtg = decimal: 32 (which is 10 dtg)  + 3 = decimal 35, whereas
13 decimal = decimal 10 (which, I recall, I called "a" (pronounced "ah") in Base 32 earlier on this blog) + 3 = decimal 13 (which, again, I earlier called "d" (pronounced "dee" - just like we usually call it)).

Here! Let me spell it out like this!

DECIMAL, or Base Ten:

"13" - "Thir-TEEN"

the "10", or "TEN" gives us: |||| |||| (I'm using conventional decimal stroke notation)

The "3" gives us: |||

DUOTRIGESIMAL, or Base Thirty Two:

"13" - "Thirt-TUHN"

The "10", or "TUHN" gives us IIII IIII  IIII IIII   IIII IIII  IIII IIII (HERE, I'm using a stroke notation I invented for Base Thirty Two. Each stroke represents one value - so "II" is two. "IIII I" is five. "IIII IIII  II I" is eleven. Once I reach sixteen, or "IIII IIII  IIII IIII", I underline those sixteen strokes: "IIII IIII  IIII IIII". Therefore, above, we have (decimal) sixteen plus sixteen, which equals (decimal) thirty two.

The "3", again, give us II I, or "three".

Add them together? And you get "13" or "thirt-tuhn" in Base Thirty-Two; which is the equivalent of 35, or "thirty-five" in decimal, or Base Ten. Blessings!


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